Money Laundering in a Digital Age – The Perfect Storm

The new Black With the rapid advancement of mobile technologies, the internet is now accessible from any- and everywhere. Open banking (PSD2) in the European Union, together with mobile wallets, instance payment initiatives and cryptocurrencies offer...

As the Deadline Nears…Seven things to watch out for in 5 AMLD

The European Union’s Fifth Anti Money Laundering Directive (5 AMLD) must be implemented in national law by 10 January 2020. The Anti Money Laundering Directive has been continually updated and tightened ever since its introduction in 1990 with a view to making it...

Instant payments: Enormous Potential versus Financial Crime Risks

    The world of banking continues to evolve at a breathtaking pace and is becoming ever more competitive. Once a new technology has come to market, banks are faced with a dilemma: do we embrace it and run with it, or do we let our competitors gain a...

Need to launder money? Take control of a Bank that’s what these criminals did

"The term “follow the money” was made famous during Watergate and is paradigm for many AML/CTF laws that require financial institutions and others such as the remittance industry to apply know your customer rules to the onboarding of new customers, establish a...

Money Laundering in Russia Case Study: Space Industry

The Office of the Investigative Committee of Russia (IC) in Moscow has completed an investigation of the theft of more than a billion rubles (>$14 Million) by the supply of an electronic component for a module, which should be installed on the International Space...
The Global Laundromat

The Global Laundromat

Transparency campaigners dismayed at clean bill of health for UK government On Friday, 7 December the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), a G7...

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